Hey! I'm so excited right now.... First let me tell you about my day. Today was my first day back at school, I'm kind of sad because I have the same teachers as before but other than that, I'm fine. I come home and check the blog and I see that someone left a comment on one of post, I see who it is and I almost faint.....it was Karen Dawn!!! Karen Dawn is the author of the book "Thanking the Monkey: Rethinking the way we treat animals". Which is an amazing book. The book is a guide to everything animal rights related. I find it to be quite helpful for people who are just starting to get the interest in helping animals. Thanking the Monkey is a fun, but at the same time insightful book about animal rights. I've read a couple of books about animal rights, and this is by far the one I recommend the most to people who want to know a little more about animal rights. The reason why, is because this book will keep their interest, and will help her(him) become a better activist. If you want to learn more about the book and the author please visit www.thankingthemonkey.com
She probably doesn't know how much it means to me that she left a comment on the blog, I'm such a fan of hers. I wish I could attend one of the readings but they are very, very far away from where I live. Please visit the page and get the book, I really recommend it.
Oh, in other news....I sold a lot of vegan cupcakes today in college. I'm so happy because that money is going to help PETA, and also because people are really liking vegan food! So, yeah, that's pretty cool hehe.
Check back soon because I'm going to share a vegan chili and cornbread recipe to celebrate Obama!
Oye annie vi que fuiste a unas clases de cocina y me preguntaba si tenias la receta de las Samosas!? jajaa bueno o las empanaditas que salen en la foto :P jajaja bueno ahi me avisas mi mail es metallicsoul666@hotmail.com para que no batalles si si la tienes :P
Para contactarme puedes enviar un correo a: annie229107@hotmail.com
Search Vegetarian and Vegan Blogs:
Piramide vegetariana
Piramide vegetariana
"Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna"
554 chickens
8 turkeys
27 ducks
15 pigs
3 cattle
6 sheep
13 rabbits
Number of animals killed in the world by the meat, dairy and egg industries, since you opened this webpage. This counter does not include the billions of fish and sea animals killed annually.
I'm in the Bean Club!
Hey there! Sorry for the, uh, two-month-plus absence! Since I don't have
time to blog daily anymore, I'm just planning to update this blog when I
can. So...
Brioche Bagels
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Kumquat and Fresh Turmeric Cake
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Kitsune Soba
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Vegan MoFo 2012: Local Habit!
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it was m...
And the Winner is . . .
Today is the last day of VeganMofo, and the American Vegan Kitchen
give-away. Over a hundred people left comments on the blog while more than
twenty left ...
New Blog Continuing the OWB Spirit
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Bones Addict
She hopes to continue the spirit of OWB with another great place for...
This blog has moved
This blog is now located at http://fatfreeblogtemp34.blogspot.com/. You
will be automatically redirected in 30 seconds, or you may click here. For
feed sub...
Carrot cake sandwich cookies of gloriousness!
carrot cake sandwich cookies, i had a bridal shower to attend this weekend
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Fall Farmar
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Portland, ...
Soy una estudiante de la UANL. Me hice vegan hace un año. No tenia idea de que la comida que consumiamos afectaba tanto al ambiente, nuestros cuerpos, y que causaba tanto dolor en los animales. Desde entonces me quiero dedicar a defender los derechos de los animales.
Ahora soy una vegan, y pues me encanta comer! Hahahaha... si, soy vegan y me gusta comer!
Yo creo que la comida asusta a mucha gente a intentar veganismo, cuando en verdad la comida es riquisima y facil de preparar.
Espero que este blog ayude a aclarar esas dudas de veganismo. Y pues tambien comentare un poquito de todo.....
I'm a 17 year old college student living in Mexico. I became vegan about a year ago and since then I've developed a love for cooking and trying new recipes. The recipes mentioned in my blog are easy recipes that you can do with every day ingredients and not hard to find ingredients...mostly due to the fact that you can't find a lot of vegan substitutes in Mexico, but that only proves that you can be vegan eating natural things.
I hope this blog helps people see that vegan vegan in Mexico IS possible...even for a lazy 17 year old.
1 comment:
Oye annie vi que fuiste a unas clases de cocina y me preguntaba si tenias la receta de las Samosas!? jajaa bueno o las empanaditas que salen en la foto :P jajaja bueno ahi me avisas
mi mail es metallicsoul666@hotmail.com para que no batalles si si la tienes :P
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